
Complete guide on our WalmartGO module

Accounts and Log In


Common Errors and Fixes

Accounts and Log In

  1. Go to Identities tab, go to Sessions and select Walmart

  1. Click on Add Session and name it

  2. Email: Enter your Walmart account email Password: Enter your Walmart account password

  3. Click Save and your account information will be saved in your account list. Your task will log into your account upon starting. You can run a task on an in stock item to ensure everything is setup correctly

Mass Import Accounts

If you have a lot of accounts and want to add them in Stellar quickly, you can mass import them using the steps below

  1. Go to the Identities tab > Sessions > click on Walmart. Then click the Mass Import Sessions button

  1. Paste in your accounts following the format in the text box Email;Password For example;testing1231!;testing1232!;testing1233!;testing1234!;testing1235!;testing1236!;testing1237!

  1. Click Save and you're all set!


Fast mode

Normal mode

Monitor mode

Login mode

Reset mode

Account Gen mode

  • Which mode do I use?

    • Fast mode will preload your information in. This is the fastest checkout mode option

    • Normal mode is normal checkout flow

    • Monitor mode allows you to monitor your desired products and these monitor tasks will notify your running checkout tasks to ATC and checkout

    • Login mode is only meant to log into your Walmart account to check account information, check orders, etc.

    • Reset mode allows you to reset your Walmart account password in the rare occasions your account is locked and password reset is needed

    • Account Gen mode is used to generate Walmart accounts. You can select the emails from your profiles or use a Catchall

  • What does Profile mean?

    • Select a Profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items

  • What type of Proxies should I use?

    • The best type of proxies to use on Walmart are residentials. The reason is that Walmart's protection towards bots can also flag IPs which means that if you don't have good IPs then you'll be constantly be pinged with captchas to solve. You can use ISPs and DCs if you don't have resis but if you start getting errors then you may have to switch to resis

      • If you're looking for proxies, check out Stella Proxies for high quality ISP and Residential proxies

  • What is the SKU and how do I get them?

  • What is the Offer ID and how do I get them?

    • The easiest way to get Offer IDs is through Walmart monitors or if your cook group has an Offer ID list or product monitors which usually has the OID

      • You don't need to provide an OID but if you do, Stellar will force spam ATC even though it might be OOS

      • If you dont want to force spam ATC then leave OID field blank

  • What Delays should I use?

    • The best delay to use is 4000. If your proxies aren't that good, increase delays

  • What is a good QTY to use?

    • The best QTY to use is 1, but if the item you're running for allows for more QTY per cart, feel free to increase the QTY.

  • What is the Max Price?

    • The max price is how much you're willing to pay for an item. Usually, a max price would have to account for an item's retail price, shipping, and tax. A good math equation to use is Retail Price + $10. This is to account for any extra fees. Max price should be set for 1 quantity of the item even if you are running more than 1 quantity. (12 quantity for example!)

  • What is Allow 3rd Party?

    • 3rd party sellers are authorized to sell products on These sellers usually have higher than retail prices. If you do not want to monitor these products, leave this blank. If you do want to monitor these products, enable this feature.

  • What is Session?

    • Select the Session you'd like to use that you already saved into the bot from the identities tab

  • What is IMAP Session?

    • Select the IMAP session you would like to use for your task

  • What is OTP Input?

    • When Walmart sends you a OTP, you can either have your IMAP automatically enter the OTP or you can manually enter the OTP in bot

  • What is Reset Delay?

    • Amount of time before the monitor will restart after it picks up the SKU when it went into stock. A recommended delay would be 60000. (Time in this field is in ms)

  • What is Watch Task? box?

    • Watch tasks and non-watch tasks are separated into two groups

      • Non-watch tasks will be monitoring the site, which means that it will be using proxies

      • Watch tasks are completely separate from non-watch tasks because watch tasks are "watching" your non-watch tasks waiting for the sku you're running for to restock. Your watch tasks will start attempting to add to cart when its pinged from a non-watch task

        • The only exception here is for serverside items. If the sku you're running for is serverside supported then you don't need a non-watch task to monitor the site as Stellar is already monitoring the sku for you

  • What is Endless Mode?

    • If you have this box checked the task will restart after a successful checkout. Ideally you would want to use this if you want to continue purchasing the product until it goes out of stock

    • If you have this box unchecked the task will stop completely after a successful checkout

  • What is Endless Limit?

    • Enter the max number of checkouts with Endless Mode enabled

  • What is Use Account Address?

    • Check this box if you want to use the address on the Walmart account otherwise it'll use your profile address for order placement

  • What is Use Rakuten? box?

    • Follow the Rakuten guide to set it up and check this box to earn cashback on eligible purchases

  • What is SMS Input?

    • Walmart requires a 6 digit verification code when creating accounts, you'll need some kind of way to provide this code into the bot. You can select Manually to enter the codes in manually or use a 3rd party service like TextVerified or SMS Activate

Common Errors and Fixes

Error MessageCauseSolution

PX Block | Rotating Proxy

PX detected and blocked your proxy

Let tasks run or try different proxies (type, pool, provider etc.)

Last updated