Complete guide on our Sephora module
Adding Accounts
Go to Sessions tab, click on Accounts toggle located in the top right corner, select Sephora and click on the green Add Account button
Enter your account email and password then click Add
You can also mass import accounts if you have a larger list by clicking on the gray Mass Import Accounts button that's next to the green Add Account button
Sephora Task Overview
Shipping mode
Instore mode
Shipping-monitor mode
Instore-monitor mode
Which Mode do I use?
Shipping mode allows you to auto checkout shipping fulfillment products
Instore mode allows you to auto checkout Instore pickup products
Shipping-monitor mode allows you to monitor shipping fulfillment products
Instore-monitor mode allows you to monitor instore pickup products
What does Profile mean?
Select a Profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items
What type of Proxies should I use?
Both ISPs and Resis work
What do I input for Product URL?
What is a good Quantity to use?
It's best to check with your cookgroup since different items have different quantity limits but you can enter
or more
What is an Account?
By following the steps here you can select a Sephora account to tie in with your purchase. Account is optional for Shipping mode but is required for Instore mode
What is Promo or Reward Code?
If you have a Promo/Reward Code enter it in this field for it to be applied to you purchase
What are Delays?
The time in millisecond intervals the bot will monitor the product
A good delay to use will be around
What is Checkout Samples? box?
Check this box if you want to add free items to cart if applicable
What is Use Account Address? box?
Check this box if you want to use your shipping address in your Sephora account
If you leave this box unchecked, your task will use your profile shipping address
What is Watch Task? box?
Using watch task will help your proxies encounter less proxy bans and less proxy errors overall. Using a watch task essentially means you want your task to rely on other sources to monitor, in this case your monitor mode task will ping the watch task when a restock has happened
If you check this box, your task will wait for a monitor mode task to ping it then it'll proceed to add item to cart and checkout
If this box is unchecked, your task will monitor the product, add to cart and checkout
What is Instore Distance?
In miles, enter the distance you're willing to travel to pick up products in store
What are Monitor Delays?
The time in millisecond intervals the bot will monitor the product
A good delay to use will be around
What are Reset Delays?
The time in millisecond intervals before task restarts after it picks up product is in stock
A good delay to use will be around
Last updated