Scotty Cameron

Complete guide on our Scotty Cameron module

Accounts & Login

Task Overview

Accounts & Login

Add your accounts to Stellar by following the steps below

  1. Go to Identities tab

  2. Go to Accounts

  3. Select on Scotty Cameron

  4. Click the Add Account button

  1. Give your account a nickname, enter the accounts email and password

  1. To save, click the Add button. Your account will login when you start a FCFS or Raffle mode task

Task Overview

Monitor mode

FCFS mode

Raffle mode

  • Which Mode do I use?

    • Monitor mode will continuously check for product availability and notify your checkout tasks when product is in stock

    • FCFS mode is for first come first serve checkout flow

    • Raffle mode is for raffle checkout flow

  • What does Profile mean?

    • Select a profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items

  • What type of Proxies should I use?

    • ISPs are recommended but you can also use residentials and DCs

      • If you're looking for proxies, check out Stella Proxies for high quality ISP and Residential proxies

  • What Delays should I use?

    • The best delay to use is 4000. If your proxies are getting flagged/banned, increase delays

  • What is Account?

    • Select an account from the dropdown options. You need to add your accounts following these steps

  • What is Captcha Provider?

    • This site has captcha checkpoints, meaning captchas will need to be solved to progress to the next step of the checkout process. Select a way to solve these captchas

      1. Bot option is if you want to solve the captchas manually in bot, These captchas will pop up and appear in a small window inside the bot

      2. AYCD option is if you want use AYCD software to solve these captchas. Make sure you check the guides from the AYCD team

      3. Capsolver option is a 3rd party captcha solving service that uses AI to automatically solve captchas for you, hands free. You need to create a free account and deposit as little as $5 to get started

      4. Capmonster option is a 3rd party captcha solving service that uses AI to automatically solve captchas for you, hands free. You need to create a free account and deposit as little as $5 to get started

  • What is Watch Task? box?

    • Using watch task will help your proxies encounter less proxy bans and less proxy errors overall. Using a watch task essentially means you want your task to rely on other sources to monitor, in this case your monitor mode task will ping the watch task when a restock has happened

      • If you check this box (recommended) your checkout task will wait for a monitor mode task to ping it then it'll proceed to add item to cart and checkout

      • If this box is unchecked, your checkout task will monitor the sku, add to cart and checkout

Last updated