Ringside Collectibles

Complete guide on our Ringside Collectibles module

Task Overview

Normal mode

  • Which Mode do I use?

    • Normal mode is normal checkout flow for any product on Ringside Collectibles

  • What does Profile mean?

    • Select a profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items

  • What type of Proxies should I use?

    • ISPs are recommended but you can also use residentials and DCs

      • If you're looking for proxies, check out Stella Proxies for high quality ISP and Residential proxies

  • What is a good QTY to use?

    • A good default to use is 1, but if the listing on the site allows for multiple in one cart then feel free to increase the QTY

  • What Delays should I use?

    • The best delay to use is 4000. If your proxies are getting flagged/banned, increase delays

Last updated