
Complete guide on our QueueIt module


Captcha Harvesters

Browser Extension


Some Common Errors and Fixes

Captcha Harvesters

If you select the browser distribution method you'll need to follow the Captcha Harvesters guide. This will ensure the Captcha Harvesters will show the browser when it opens. You should open as many harvesters as you want browsers to open. You'll also need to have the browser path setup in your Settings tab in bot

QueueIt Browser Extension

In rare cases the link Stellar sends you in webhook after you pass queue won't work because of the site you're trying to run. To counter this we have a browser extension that will send you another link once you pass queue. Follow the steps below to download and set up the extension

  1. Download Stellar-queue browser extension for Google Chrome: Stellar-queue-extension-main

  1. Click on "Extract All..."

  1. In Chrome, go to Manage Extensions

  1. On the top right corner of the Manage Extensions page turn on Developer Mode and click Load Unpacked. Now select the folder that you extracted, it'll be located in Downloads > stellar-queue

  1. Go back to Chrome, click on the puzzle piece on the top right corner. You can now pin the Stellar-Queue-Extension to your Chrome toolbar

  1. When you pass queue, you will receive a second webhook titled "New Extension Link" with a very long link below it. Copy the very long extension link and paste into the same browser you downloaded the browser extension on

  1. The new extension link can only work if you have the browser extension downloaded and set up by following the instructions above


Normal Mode

Test Mode

  • Which Mode do I use?

    • Normal mode is used for waiting and queue and passing it. Normal mode will allow your tasks to wait in QueueIt and results either be distributed via link or browser

    • Test mode is used to make sure the bot is working on the queue and POW. This mode will test on the Footlocker staging site

  • What type of Proxies should I use?

    • You can use any type of proxies here, ISPs DCs and Resis. Resis may perform a little better but it's best to test the different types you have and see which work best for you

      • If you're looking for proxies, check out Stella Proxies for high quality ISP and Residential proxies

  • Which Captcha Provider should I use?

    • Bot will use your Gmail attached to your captcha harvesters to solve captchas automatically, once your Gmail score drives down then you'll have to solve captchas manually

    • AYCD will use their Autosolve feature to solve captchas

    • Capsolver is a 3rd party captcha provider that automatically solves captchas for you using their UI

    • Capmonster is a 3rd party captcha provider that automatically solves captchas for you using their UI

  • What is Pow Solve Type?

    • GO can handle a lot of tasks and very reliable

  • What is Distribution Method?

    • Browser will automatically open a Chrome browser once it's your turn to purchase the item

    • Link will send you your link on your webhook

Last updated