GameStop CA

Complete guide on our GameStop CA module

GameStop CA can utilize any ISP Proxy, or Resi.

  • Keep delays above 6000 if you want to run 24/7. Ideally higher. This is heavily dependant on the amount of proxies you decide to dedicate to the website. You can lower at your discretion.

  • This module does currently support bundles (Controller + Console bundles)

The following explains how to create a task under the GameStop CA module:

GameStop CA

Guest Mode

Account Mode

Monitor Mode

There are several drop down lists that you will be presented with.

Mode: Normal Profile: Choose the profile you have created in Stellar

Monitor Proxy: Use an ISP or Resi proxy, preferrably Canadian

Checkout Proxy: Use a ISP or Resi Proxy, preferrably Canadian

URL: Enter the Canadian URL address for the item you are interested in purchasing. Please ensure that there is no back slash at the end of the link.

Bundles: If you are trying to buy a bundle, please insert the bundle URL, this url can be typically found in your cook group.

Delay: This is highly dependent on how many proxies you own, if running 24/7 on, it is recommended to go no less than 6000 delay, unless you have a lot of proxies to work with.

Qty: This is the item quantity, most hype items will only allow you to check out 1, however this is dependent on the item you are hoping to purchase, check the website for the limits.

Account: If you would like to use an account to check out, you can select it here. If you want to use guest checkout, leave this blank.

Generate Account: If selected, each task will create a new GameStop CA account to run on. It will use the catchall inputted in the settings part of the bot.

Start Time: Select the date and time you would like to start the task.

End Time: Select the date and time you would like to end the task.

Tasks: On the bottom right of the New Task creation menu, you can choose how many Tasks to create at one time.

Last updated