
Complete guide on our Droppp module

Sessions Captcha Harvesters Dropp

Common Errors and Fixes


Note: Accounts that are generated with Stellar will be automatically added to the Sessions tab. Stellar will automatically pull emails from IMAP you have setup in bot. The password will override the default password.

  1. Navigate to the Sessions tab and click on Dropp

  2. Click on the Add Session button

  3. Give your session a name and enter your accounts email and password

Captcha Harvesters

If you select the browser distribution method you'll need to follow the Captcha Harvesters guide. This will ensure the Captcha Harvesters will show the browser when it opens. You should open as many harvesters as you want browsers to open. You'll also need to have the browser path setup in your Settings tab in bot


Signup Mode

Queue Mode

Purchaser Mode

  • What are the differences in the modes?

    • Signup mode allows you to generate Dropp accounts in bot. These accounts generated will be automatically added to the Sessions tab. Stellar will automatically pull emails from IMAP you have setup in bot. The bot will use your profile email as your account email and the password field will override the default password

    • Queue mode allows you to enter the queue for drop time

    • Purchaser mode allows you to purchase items in this full request mode

  • What does Profile mean?

    • Select a Profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items

  • What type of Proxies should I use?

    • We recommend a mix of ISPs, DCs or Resis

      • If you're looking for proxies, check out Stella Proxies for high quality ISP and Residential proxies

  • What should I enter for Password?

    • Enter the password you'd like to use for the account generation step in Signup mode

  • What is Dropp Id?

  • What is Pow Solve Type?

    • GO can handle more tasks and is generally faster than JS

    • JS is more stable and current task limit is 200

  • What are the Distribution Methods?

    • Browser will open a Chrome browser once it's time to purchase the item. The browser will open using the proxy that was used to pass queue. You need to have at least one Captcha Harvester setup. You'll also need to have the browser path setup in your Settings tab in bot

    • Link will send you your link on your webhook. Proxy used to pass queue will be in the webhook

  • Which Captcha Provider should I use?

    • There are currently 3 captcha providers you can use. CapMonster, AYCD or AntiCaptcha. You are welcome to choose your favorite but to give more information on Solver, it will open and use your Chrome browser as your captcha solver which will prompt you to solve captchas manually

  • What is Quantity?

    • The amount of the product you are wanting to be in the cart at checkout. If left blank, then it is 1

  • What is Minimum Price?

    • This allows StellarAIO to not purchase any items under the price inputted. Input the lowest dollar amount price of the product you would like to purchase

  • What is Should AutoSolve?

    • If Droppp enforces a question, this allows Stellar to attempt to solve it

Common Errors and Fixes

Last updated