Dicks Sporting Goods
Complete guide on our Dicks Sporting Goods module
Task Overview
Monitor mode
Normal mode
Launch mode
Which Mode do I use?
Monitor mode will only monitor and ping your watch tasks when they detect the item you're monitoring is in stock
Normal mode is to be used for normal checkout flow
Launch mode is to be used for scheduled releases aka launch
What does Profile mean?
Select a Profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items
3DS is not supported, use payment cards without 3DS required
What type of Proxies should I use?
You need to use high quality proxies, usually ISPs but can also use resis. Using low quality proxies will cause Akamai related errors
If you're looking for proxies, check out Stella Proxies for high quality ISP and Residential proxies
What is a Product URL?
The Product URL is a link that identifies the item you would like to run. For example https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/-/24PAAUNBLG2324SLCXFLA
What are the Monitor Types?
Normal is the default monitor type using one endpoint
API is an alternative monitor type using another endpoint
You can create two monitor mode tasks per product and use both Normal and API
What is Color?
This field is optional but if your product has multiple colors you can type the name of the color. One color per task. Color will be random if you don't specify one. For example
What is Size?
Select Random for One Size products. If the product has multiple sizes you can pick the size in the dropdown list
What Delays should I use?
Delay to run is anywhere around 4500
What is Reset Delay?
After your Monitor Mode task picks up a restock, it'll use your reset delay before monitoring again. So if you have a Reset Delay of 60000, it'll wait 60 seconds before attempting to monitor for the item again. We recommend having a high reset delay to prevent any spamming of your tasks being pinged
What is a good QTY to use?
It's best to check with your cookgroup since different items have different quantity limits
What is Watch Task? box?
Using watch task will help your proxies encounter less proxy bans and less proxy errors overall. Using a watch task essentially means you want your task to rely on other sources to monitor, in this case your monitor mode task will ping the watch task when a restock has happened
If you check this box, your task will wait for a monitor mode task to ping it then it'll proceed to add item to cart and checkout
If this box is unchecked, your task will monitor the sku, add to cart and checkout
What is Use Rakuten? box?
Follow the Rakuten guide to set it up and check this box to earn cashback on eligible purchases
What is Use TopCashBack? box?
Follow the TopCashBack guide to set it up and check this box to earn cashback on eligible purchases
Last updated