
Complete guide on our Costco module

Costco Sessions Costco

Costco Sessions

1. Go to Sessions tab

2. Click on Add Session

3. Session Name: Name your session

Email: Enter your account email

Password: Enter your account password Login Proxy: (Optional) Enter proxy you would like to use to sign into your account

4. Click Save

5. Upon starting a Costco task, a browser will open and your information will automatically be entered in the browser


Normal Mode

Fast mode

Monitor mode

Your tasks will log into your Costco account upon starting your task

It's best to always clear cart manually when starting task

Your Costco account needs to have default shipping addresses

  • What Mode do I use?

    • Normal mode is your normal checkout flow, tasks will add to cart and checkout the product

    • Fast mode is a much faster checkout flow and has ways to skip/speed up certain parts of the checkout process

    • Monitor mode is only meant to monitor your desired products and these tasks will notify/ping your running watch tasks (Fast/Normal mode tasks) when the product becomes in stock

  • What does Profile mean?

    • Select a Profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items

  • What type of Proxies should I use?

    • You can use ISPs, DCs or Resis

  • What is the Product URL and how do I get them?

  • What is Monitor Type?

    • ATC will monitor the frontend of Costco via

    • API will monitor the backend of Costco before product is in stock on the frontend. Usually API will pick up stock faster but is more intense on your proxies

  • What Delays should I use?

    • We recommend to use delays of 3000-5000 depending on the quality of your proxies

  • What is a good QTY to use?

    • Some items have a 1 qty limit per account and some items may have a 2 qty limit per account. We recommend to ask your cook group if you're unsure what to put for quantity

  • What is a Session?

    • This option allows you to select a specific session you'd like to use for this task. Each session has your account login saved making it faster to create tasks

  • What is Watch Task? box?

    • Using watch task will help your proxies encounter less proxy bans and less proxy errors overall. Using a watch task essentially means you want your task to rely on other sources to monitor, in this case your monitor mode task will ping the watch task when a restock has happened

      • If you check this box, your task will wait for a monitor mode task to ping it then it'll proceed to add item to cart and checkout

      • If this box is unchecked, your task will monitor the sku, add to cart and checkout

Last updated