Complete guide on our ASICS module
Asics Task Overview
Normal mode
Fast mode
Monitor mode
Which Mode do I use?
Normal mode uses the regular checkout flow and around 40% of your checkout tasks should be Normal mode
Fast mode is faster than Normal mode and around 60% of your checkout tasks should be Fast mode
Monitor mode allows you to monitor products from Asics website
What does Profile mean?
Select a Profile you want to use and that profile information will be used when checking out items
What type of Proxies should I use?
We recommend you to only use residential proxies
What is PID or Variant(s)?
Here you can enter the products SKU or direct variant
SKU Ex. SKU is
To find Direct Variant: Right Click on the Size, Inspect Element and it's in the Content Attribute but in the bot you need to input ANA_YOURCONTENTATTRIBUTE so ANA_20050121009 for Size 10
Run Direct Variants if you have them, it's much faster!
What are Delays?
The time in millisecond intervals the bot will monitor the product
A good delay to use for Asics is at least
What is Size?
Select the size you'd like to run for or select Random
What is Watch Task? box?
Using watch task will help your proxies encounter less proxy bans and less proxy errors overall. Using a watch task essentially means you want your task to rely on other sources to monitor, in this case your monitor mode task will ping the watch task when a restock has happened
If you check this box, your task will wait for a monitor mode task to ping it then it'll proceed to add item to cart and checkout
If this box is unchecked, your task will monitor the product, add to cart and checkout
Last updated