How do I set up TopCashBack?

Complete guide on TopCashBack

What's TopCashBack?

Which sites are supported in Stellar?

Creating TopCashBack Token

Now what do I do?

What's TopCashBack?

TopCashBack is a cashback site that rewards users for taking their cashback offers

TopCashback is a free online shopping portal that offers cash back rewards for purchases made from over 7,000 online retailers. When a user clicks through to a retailer on TopCashback and makes a purchase, the retailer pays TopCashback a commission, which TopCashback then passes on to the user as cash back. TopCashback also offers store coupons and special offers

Cashback percentages change weekly so make sure you're on top of it and you can also sign up for emails when you favorite specific stores on their website

Which sites in Stellar can I use TopCashBack?

Any site that has this checkbox option in the task setup

Create a TopCashBack Token

  1. Go to and create an account or sign in if you already have an existing account

  1. After you've successfully signed in, open Dev Tools by pressing CTRL + Shift + i simultaneously. Go to "Application" tab > Select "Cookies" > Select ""

  2. In the "Filter" box, you'll search for .TCB-BAS-V3 copy everything in the "Value" field. It'll contain letters and numbers, you can see an example and location in the image below

  1. After you've copied and saved that first cookie, we'll have to copy one more cookie. In the "Filter" box, you'll search for TCB_SessionID8 copy everything in the "Value" field. It'll contain letters and numbers, you can see an example and location in the image below

  1. We'll now have to paste the two cookies into one line. VALUE1HERE;VALUE2HERE . For example OWE4MDM2MGQtOTNlYy00NDU5LTg4OGItMDhhMWE4ODE4ZmM3LTYzODQ5NjAyMjAyNTcyMjQyMw==;bbcb4b27-df65-4698-b1a5-ab073240791a

    • Cookie 1 and Cookie 2 need to be in this specific order and format above

  2. Paste this entire line into this field in Stellar settings tab

Now what do I do?

  1. When creating tasks in bot, you'll see the supported sites with a "Use TopCashBack?" checkbox. Check this box on all of your tasks

  1. Stellar will register your orders to TopCashBack!

  2. Cashback received!

Last updated