How do I uninstall StellarAIO (Windows and Mac)

Windows Uninstall

Mac Uninstall

Windows Uninstall

  1. Right-click the Windows icon on the bottom left of your screen

  2. Look for "Control Panel"

  3. Go to "Programs"

  4. Go to "Programs and Features"

  5. Look for "StellarAIO X.X.XX"

  6. Right-click on the program and click "Uninstall"

  7. You will be prompted with a confirmation screen to uninstall. Click on "OK" to confirm.

  8. StellarAIO is now uninstalled, restart your computer to make sure.

Mac Uninstall

  1. Click the Apple logo on the top left of your screen.

  2. Click on "About This Mac"

  3. You will get a pop-up with multiple tabs, look for the "Storage" tab and click on it.

  4. Once going to the "Storage" tab, click on the "Manage..." button

  5. Once all your applications and files have loaded, head to the "Applications" tab

  6. Once all your applications load, look for the "StellarAIO" app and Control + Click

  7. Click on "Delete" which will then give a confirmation pop-up that will ask you if you're sure you want to delete StellarAIO, click "Delete" again

  8. StellarAIO should now be deleted from your Mac computer, restart the computer to make sure.

Last updated